
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "sobie endem", znaleziono 109

If you want your book to lead the pack, you must write in a genre and deliver a manuscript that suits you as an author, in terms of both your talent and skills and your background and education (formal and informal—for some books, for instance, time spent in prison can come in handy), and write on a subject for which there is an audience, in a manner that communicates your story and message. All this is to give yourself the best possible shot at finding the readers who will buy your book. Barry, Sam (2010-05-18). Write That Book Already!: The Tough Love You Need To Get Published Now (p. 107). F+W Media, Inc Kindle Edition.
" - Pokazałam Ci tyle siebie, ile tylko mogłam - wyznała Ead. - Gdybym pokazała więcej, skazałabyś mnie na śmierć."
- Pobożność zmienia ludzi żądnych władzy w potwory - powiedziała Ead. - Nawet najszlachetniejszą naukę wykoślawią tak, aby usprawiedliwiała ich nikczemności.
When you're in love, protecting your partner and offspring is a natural instinct.
I would have come for you. And if I couldn't walk, I'd crawl to you, and no matter how broken we were, we'd fight our way out together-knives drawn, pistols blazing. Because that's what we do. We never stop fighting.
Nie, travel and fuck friends mnie nie zadowala. Chcę ciebie całego. Chcę przez resztę życia patrzeć, jak uczysz się kochać.
- Kto to jest Philippe Dumont?
- Taki wash and go, zastępczy ojciec i mąż w jednym, Przystojniak o szpakowatych skroniach, znany w lokalnych kręgach mieszczańskich.
Editors are inundated with submissions, and every editor comes into work each day to find a new stack of manuscripts and proposals. They are all looking out for books in their area of interest or expertise, and they are trying to avoid books that are too similar to something else the house has recently bought or published, as well as books by fanatics, lunatics, and terrible writers. Barry, Sam (2010-05-18). Write That Book Already!: The Tough Love You Need To Get Published Now (p. 95). F+W Media, Inc Kindle Edition.
It takes billions of years to create a human being. And it takes only a few seconds to die.
Fear is a phoenix. You can watch it burn a thousand times and still it will return.
The best men are the male heroes created in fiction - by women (...) The Scarlet Pimpernel, Heathcliff, Rhett Butler, Mr Darcy - all created by women, and that is because they couldn't find a man they really liked, which made them sit down and create one
'In Australia one has to consider whose and what aspects of cultures are reproduced. While recognising goals and functions for Indigenous Literature depicted by Indigenous authors, it is important to remember their comments on the mainstream literary critique and notice the above mentioned Indigenous Literature’s unsteady position within Literary History and Institutions. Not represented up to its miscellaneous aptitudes, Aboriginal literature (within literary discourses and social forms of organisation) engages with various systems of signs in the production of texts. These very texts replicate the meanings of a culture, which must be seen as ever changing. Assuming exclusiveness, and inclusiveness of Indigenous Literature, this article’s intention has been to dismantle the perspective of theoretical nativism in the case of Australian Indigenous Literature.' (ANTI-NATIVISM IN AUSTRALIAN INDIGENOUS LITERATURE. Kultura Globalizacja Historia, nr7) 'To jest moja droga koniecznosci/ za krotkie mam rece/ by siegnac snow/ zamieszkalych na drugim koncu' (Punkt widzenia)
Włącz radio na stację nadającą rock and rolla i z całą odwagą, jaką jeszcze masz, oraz całą wiarą, jaką potrafisz z siebie wykrzesać, podążaj w nowe życie.
I could no longer tell what was imagination and what was reality; perhaps the borderline between them didn't exist any more.
In his twenties, John Bridgens most identified with Hamlet. The strangely aging Prince of Denmark—Bridgens was quite sure that the boy Hamlet had magically aged over a few theatrical weeks to a man who was, at the very least, in his thirties by Act V—had been suspended between thought and deed, between motive and action, frozen by a consciousness so astute and unrelenting that it made him think about everything, even thought itself.
In his twenties, John Bridgens most identified with Hamlet. The strangely aging Prince of Denmark—Bridgens was quite sure that the boy Hamlet had magically aged over a few theatrical weeks to a man who was, at the very least, in his thirties by Act V—had been suspended between thought and deed, between motive and action, frozen by a consciousness so astute and unrelenting that it made him think about everything, even thought itself.
Practically half the world was asleep, and the rest od it was running around like a chicken with its head cut off.
What is this great fairytale we live in and which each of us is only permitted to experience for such a short time?
(...) I was full of piss and vinegar in those days, not to mention too stupid to know better, in other words still in my twenties (...).
“One reason why childhood lasts so long is because there is so much subtle information to absorb about human society and the natural world.”
But, just because we loved each other, doesn't mean we were meant to be together. And just because you loved one, doesn't mean you can't love another.
You know the three Ages of Man, don’t you?” Hodges asks. Pete shakes his head, grinning. “Youth, middle age, and you look fucking terrific.
However, recent times, unfortunate, there has been a growing degeneration of the judiciary power, which finds its expression in a specific interpretation of the basic principles of this power (…) The degenerate form of these principles takes the form of three supposed principles: exclusivity, omnipotence, and voluntarism, which seem to be followed by some judges and legal theorists:
...słyszy jak Eddie Dean podśpiewuje piosenkę, która jest tak upiornie znajoma, że w pierwszej chwili wydaje się przejawem delirium: Hey Jude... don't make it bad... take a saaad song... and make it better...
The good horror tale will dance it's way to the center of your life and find the secret door to the room you believed no one but you knew of.
There's no way to know what makes one thing happen and not another. What leads to what. What destroys what. What causes what to flourish or die or take another course.
So, let us be alert - alert in a twofold sense:
Since Auschwitz we know what man is capable of.
And since Hiroshima we know what is at stake.
“Claude Shannon, the father of information theory, once declared, “I visualize a time when we will be to robots what dogs are to humans, and I’m rooting for the machines.”
The monomyth is a single great circle of tales marking out each stage in the hero's life: from birth to death; then on again, through resurrection and rebirth.
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